# svelte/no-useless-mustaches

disallow unnecessary mustache interpolations

  • 🔧 The --fix option on the command line can automatically fix some of the problems reported by this rule.

# 📖 Rule Details

This rule reports mustache interpolation with a string literal value.
The mustache interpolation with a string literal value can be changed to a static contents.

  /* eslint svelte/no-useless-mustaches: "error" */

<!-- ✓ GOOD -->
Lorem ipsum {foo}
<div data-text="Lorem ipsum" />
<div data-text={bar} />

<!-- ✗ BAD -->
Unexpected mustache interpolation with a string literal value. (svelte/no-useless-mustaches)
{'Lorem ipsum'}
Unexpected mustache interpolation with a string literal value. (svelte/no-useless-mustaches)
{'Lorem ipsum'}
Unexpected mustache interpolation with a string literal value. (svelte/no-useless-mustaches)
{`Lorem ipsum`}
<div data-text=
Unexpected mustache interpolation with a string literal value. (svelte/no-useless-mustaches)
{'Lorem ipsum'}

# 🔧 Options

  "svelte/no-useless-mustaches": [
      "ignoreIncludesComment": false,
      "ignoreStringEscape": false
  • ignoreIncludesComment … If true, do not report expressions containing comments. default false.
  • ignoreStringEscape … If true, do not report string literals with useful escapes. default false.

# "ignoreIncludesComment": true

  /* eslint svelte/no-useless-mustaches: ["error", { "ignoreIncludesComment": true }] */

<!-- ✓ GOOD -->
<div data-text={/* comment */ 'Lorem ipsum'} />

<!-- ✗ BAD -->
<div data-text=
Unexpected mustache interpolation with a string literal value. (svelte/no-useless-mustaches)
{'Lorem ipsum'}

# "ignoreStringEscape": true

<!-- ✓ GOOD -->
{'Lorem \n ipsum'}
<div data-text={'Lorem \n ipsum'} />

# 🚀 Version

This rule was introduced in eslint-plugin-svelte v0.0.4

# 🔍 Implementation