# Migration Guide

# From eslint-plugin-svelte3

You can not use both eslint-plugin-svelte3 and eslint-plugin-svelte at same time. So before start to use this plugin, you need to remove eslint-plugin-svelte3’s stuff from both package.json and .eslintrc.*.

Note: If you want to know difference between eslint-plugin-svelte and eslint-plugin-svelte3, Please read the reason for deprecating eslint-plugin-svelte3 in eslint-plugin-svelte3 README.

Note: If you’re using TypeScript, maybe you get Parsing error: "parserOptions.project" has been set for @typescript-eslint/parser. error at some configuration files.
In this case, please refer this GitHub comment to solve it.

# From eslint-plugin-svelte v1 To v2

eslint-plugin-svelte v1 was an alias for eslint-plugin-svelte3, but eslint-plugin-svelte v2 is now an independent eslint-plugin.

If you want the previous behavior, replace it with eslint-plugin-svelte3.

# From @ota-meshi/eslint-plugin-svelte

@ota-meshi/eslint-plugin-svelte has been renamed to eslint-plugin-svelte.
Therefore, you need to replace the package name, and the presets, rules, and settings specified in the configuration.

  • package.json
    Replace the package name.

    -  "@ota-meshi/eslint-plugin-svelte": "^0.X.X"
    +  "eslint-plugin-svelte": "^X.X.X"
  • .eslintrc.*
    Replace @ota-meshi/svelte with svelte as a string.

    • Presets

        "extends": [
      -    "plugin:@ota-meshi/svelte/recommended"
      +    "plugin:svelte/recommended"
    • Rules

        "rules": {
      -    "@ota-meshi/svelte/no-dupe-else-if-blocks": "error",
      +    "svelte/no-dupe-else-if-blocks": "error",
      -    "@ota-meshi/svelte/button-has-type": "error",
      +    "svelte/button-has-type": "error",
    • settings

        "settings": {
      -    "@ota-meshi/svelte": { ... }
      +    "svelte": { ... }