# svelte/no-ignored-unsubscribe
disallow ignoring the unsubscribe method returned by the
on Svelte stores.
# 📖 Rule Details
This rule fails if an “unsubscriber” returned by call to subscribe()
is neither assigned to a variable or property or passed to a function.
One should always unsubscribe from a store when it is no longer needed. Otherwise, the subscription will remain active and constitute a memory leak.
This rule helps to find such cases by ensuring that the unsubscriber (the return value from the store’s subscribe
method) is not ignored.
/* eslint svelte/no-ignored-unsubscribe: "error" */
import myStore from './my-stores';
/* ✓ GOOD */
const unsubscribe = myStore.subscribe(() => {});
/* ✗ BAD */
myStore.Ignoring returned value of the subscribe method is forbidden. (svelte/no-ignored-unsubscribe)subscribe(() => {});
# 🔧 Options
# 🚀 Version
This rule was introduced in eslint-plugin-svelte v2.34.0