# svelte/comment-directive

support comment-directives in HTML template

  • βš™οΈ This rule is included in "plugin:svelte/base" and "plugin:svelte/recommended".

Sole purpose of this rule is to provide eslint-disable functionality in the template HTML. It supports usage of the following comments:

  • eslint-disable
  • eslint-enable
  • eslint-disable-line
  • eslint-disable-next-line


We can’t write HTML comments in tags.

# πŸ“– Rule Details

ESLint doesn’t provide any API to enhance eslint-disable functionality and ESLint rules cannot affect other rules. But ESLint provides processors API.

This rule sends all eslint-disable-like comments to the post-process of the .svelte file processor, then the post-process removes the reported errors in disabled areas.

  /* eslint svelte/comment-directive: "error", no-undef: "error" */

<!-- eslint-disable-next-line no-undef -->
<UndefComponent />

The eslint-disable-like comments can include descriptions to explain why the comment is necessary. The description must occur after the directive and is separated from the directive by two or more consecutive - characters. For example:

  /* eslint svelte/comment-directive: "error", no-undef: "error" */

<!-- eslint-disable-next-line no-undef -- Here's a description about why this disabling is necessary. -->
<UndefComponent />

# πŸ”§ Options

  "svelte/comment-directive": [
      "reportUnusedDisableDirectives": false
  • reportUnusedDisableDirectives … If true, to report unused eslint-disable HTML comments. default false

# { "reportUnusedDisableDirectives": true }

  /* eslint svelte/comment-directive: ["error", { "reportUnusedDisableDirectives": true }], no-undef: "error" */
  import DefinedComponent from './DefinedComponent.svelte';

<!-- βœ“ GOOD -->
<!-- eslint-disable-next-line no-undef -->
<UndefComponent />

<!-- βœ— BAD -->
<!-- eslint-disable-next-line 
Unused eslint-disable-next-line directive (no problems were reported from 'no-undef'). (svelte/comment-directive)
<DefinedComponent />

# πŸ“š Further Reading

# πŸš€ Version

This rule was introduced in eslint-plugin-svelte v0.0.13

# πŸ” Implementation